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Name Jonathan Daniel Stamp
Gender Male
Age 16
Location Lexington, KY
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Women
Status In a relationship
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IM Luvadikkt, Atomisk69


Showing latest 9 of 9 comments


By xXSlutFaceXx on Feb 29, 2008 11:58 pm · History

*Shrugs* I call it like I see it, but it's your call ^^;

Really? So then what is your favorite movie? Ah and I have horrible grammar so don't worry about it lol ^^

By sweetalacrity on Feb 29, 2008 2:36 am · History

Thank you! In all honesty they're all right but I'm not sure my skills are quite up with yours yet lol ^^;

And I see you like scary movies; have you seen Pans Labyrinth? One of my favorite movies and I wouldn't call it scary but it is pretty creepy lol x]

By sweetalacrity on Feb 28, 2008 4:12 am · History

Thank you, and I feel a lot better ^^;

I hope you're doing okay now too ^^

By sweetalacrity on Feb 27, 2008 12:47 am · History

Awww I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brough that up but oh well =[

If it makes you feel any better my week hasn't been going to well either, nothing big but I've been kind of sick lol x[

By sweetalacrity on Feb 23, 2008 10:53 pm · History

Ouch that would be a problem I'm sorry. Maybe you'll see her soon though, but if you don't I've often heard absence makes the heart grow fonder lol ^^

By sweetalacrity on Feb 18, 2008 10:11 pm · History

Oh I'm sorry, what's wrong? You dont have to delve if you don't want to but I thought I'd ask. If it helps I hope things get better soon =[

By sweetalacrity on Feb 18, 2008 3:28 am · History

Aw it's okay lol, so how are you? ^^

By sweetalacrity on Feb 18, 2008 2:27 am · History

Hello there, looks like I'm your first comment lol ^^

By sweetalacrity on Feb 16, 2008 3:07 pm · History


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